
Courses and Seminars on Bloodstain Pattern Analysis:
Since 2016, Attinger teaches a 10 to 12-hour graduate course on the fluid dynamics of bloodstain pattern analysis, in the Department of Basic Medical Sciences at the University of the West Indies. The graduate course includes theory and practice related to crime scene reconstruction. The course presents the fluid dynamics basics of blood patterns, from their production and characterization to their reconstruction. Specific considerations are given to the quantification of uncertainties. Advanced reconstruction techniques are presented, based on peer-reviewed scientific work. The audience involves students with diverse backgrounds (biology, health care, engineering, and law enforcement).
Dr. Attinger also provides shorter seminars discussing the reliability of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis, for various criminal justice system stakeholders. Dr. Attinger has lectured in French, German, English, and Spanish.

Research Reviews and Collaborations: Attinger has peer-reviewed multiple research proposals in Panels organized by US Federal Agencies such as NSF or NIJ.
Ask for an expert review of your research proposal or manuscript to a National Agency, or for an opinion on your research manuscript in Thermal-Fluid sciences or Bloodstain Pattern Analysis. Attinger specifically enjoys reviewing project summaries to ensure your ideas are presented most effectively and address all the priorities of the call for proposals. Turnover is as quick as a few hours.
Longer-term research collaborations are also possible, as exemplified by this 2023 co-authored work on the limits of boiling heat transfer, or this 2022 publication on the use of the likelihood ratio in Bloodstain Pattern Analysis.

Expert testimony: Testimony on Bloodstain Pattern Analysis of current or past court cases. Dr. Attinger has extensive training in the forensic evaluation of blood traces, including in-situ court-ordered bloodstain pattern analysis, and detection of latent blood traces. He has provided oral and written opinions in Europe and US State courts. He has been approved in US State Courts as an expert witness for the Prosecution or the Defense. Attinger has also participated in crime scene reenactments where BPA was a key element.